Richárd Rudolf Rák
▌▌▌Phd from the University of Vienna, University of Bologna and University of Turin
▌▌▌Master’s degree from the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
▌▌▌LL.M. from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Dr. Richard Rak hold a Phd from the University of Vienna, the University of Bologna and University of Turin; he has participated in the Law, Science and Technology Joint Doctorate – Rights of Internet of Everything (LAST-JD-RIoE) Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks European Joint Doctorate) program.
He holds a master’s degree (dr. jur.) in Law, postgraduate degree (LL.M.) in European Law, two bachelor’s degrees in Economics (specialised in Human Resource Management and in Finance and Accounting) and a Chartered Certified Accountant for Businesses qualification.
His PhD research project on “Internet of Healthcare (Law): Privacy and Data Protection Aspects in an Internet of Everything” focuses on privacy, data protection, data management and AI governance challenges concerning IoT-enabled telehealth solutions and interconnected AI systems.
He is currently working at DIGITALEUROPE.
- University of Vienna, University of Bologna and University of Turin