
University Catalogues

Minerva is the access point to the bibliographic resources owned and selected by the Libraries of the University of Milan. It provides simple, one-stop searching for books and e-books, journals, videos, articles, digital media, and more. Sign-in to request and renew books and videos, view full text results, create favorites’ lists, export citations, suggest a book to be purchased

 AIR Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca, the institutional repository of the University, contains the scientific works of the University’s professors, researchers, grant recipients and doctoral students, starting from 2005. Whenever possible, the bibliographic metadata is associated with the full text version, in accordance with the publisher’s licence. As of November 2010 AIR also contains doctoral theses.

The Politeia Centre is located on the University premises in Via Festa del Perdono, Milan. The Library has multidisciplinary collections in the areas of the Centre’s research and teaching activities: political and legislative philosophy, ethics, economy, law, sociology and political science. The Catalogue can be consulted within the OPAC of Lombardy Libraries by selecting “(MI) Biblioteca dell’Associazione Politeia’ from the dropdown menu ‘Biblioteca”.

Partner Universities Catalogues

The agreements that the University has stipulated with the universities of Milano-Bicocca and Insubria guarantee that our users will have access to the library services of the other two universities in Lombardy.