Massimo Farina
▌▌▌Professor at the University of Cagliari
Massimo Farina, is Assistant Professor of “Computer Law” and of “Digital Forensics” at University of Cagliari.
He obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the Sector 12/H3 – philosophy of Law – Second Level (Associate Professor). He is a member of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT). He is currently Data Protection Officer at University of Cagliari (Italy), Coordinator of ICT4Law&Forensics and Founder of the network DirICTo.
He received a MSc. in Law in 2001 at the University of Cagliari and a PhD in Law and New Technologies in 2006 at the University of Bologna. Moreover, in 2011 Massimo Farina obtained the Second level Master in “Computer law, theory and technique of legislation” (University of Roma, Sapienza); in 2019 he obtained the Second level Master in “Data Protection Officer and privacy law” (University of Napoli, Suor Orsola Benincasa); in 2021 he obtained the Second level Master in Internet of the Humans and Things (University of Roma, Tor Vergata). In 2015 and 2019 he was visiting professor at the Department of Electronics and Computers of the University of Transylvania in Brasov in Romania, in 2014 at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) in Spain and in 2018 at University of Montevideo, Uruguay. Since 2003 he has been lecturer for Graduate school for the legal professions (University of Cagliari. He is Jean Monnet Key Staff of EU Data Governance, Cybersecurity and Digital Fundamental Rights (University of Milan). He is International Research Fellows of the Information Society Law Center – Coordinated Research Center in “Information Society Law” (University of Milan). He has been involved in several national and international research projects. Massimo Farina is currently director of the series Editorial “Diritto dell’Informatica e delle Nuove Tecnologie (computer and new technologies law)” by Key Editor. Also, he is author and co-author of an extensive list of books and articles published in legal scientific journals. Massimo Farina is member of ANDIG (National Association of Computer Law Professors) and is member of Net4U (Networks for Humans laboratory). His research interests are in data protection, computer crimes, digital forensics, cybersecurity, internet of things and artificial intelligence.
- University of Cagliari