Maria Lubomira Kubica
▌▌▌Member of the European Law Institute.
▌▌▌Associate lawyer in the Lucena Bar Association.
Maria Lubomira Kubica is a member of the European Law Institute, ELI’s Special Interest Groups on Global Private Law and Digital Law, American Society of Comparative Law, REDIJEA and the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Her research focuses mainly on Contract, Tort and Digital Law.
She holds a degree in Law from the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland (2004), an international PhD in Civil and Comparative Law from the University of Girona, Spain (2015) and is an associate lawyer in the Lucena Bar Association (Córdoba, Spain).
Since 2016, she has been a civil and comparative law Assistant Professor at Loyola University of Andalusia, previously a civil law lecturer at the Universities of Girona and Pablo de Olavide in Seville, as well as a FPI pre-doctoral scholar of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. She has completed several research stays abroad, including: a research stay at Wake Forest University in Winston Salem, North Carolina (United States), at the University of Torun (Poland), University of Hamburg (Germany), Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law of Hamburg (Germany; twice: in 2013 and 2018), University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), European University Institute of Florence (Italy), University of Münster (Germany) and Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne. She is an author of several books and doctrinal articles, winner of the second prize of the Center for Financial Studies within the module “Civil and Commercial Law” for the article “The Conversion of European Savings Banks in Public Limited Companies – a ‘Legal Transplant’ from Comparative Law” and of the Prize for the Promotion of Procedural Law instituted by the Basque Institute of Procedural Law in the 6th edition of 2016 for the article “The Reversal of the Burden of Proof in Tort Law. A short history of the burden of proof”. She has been distinguished with special mention in the XVIII “Sancho Rebullida” Award, 2016 edition, for the best doctoral thesis in Civil Law for the thesis “Risk and Strict Liability” directed by Prof. Dr. Miquel Martín Casals and defended on 02.09. 2015 at University of Girona and was a recipient of the YCC SCHOLARSHIP EXCHANGE PROGRAM of the American Society of Comparative Law in 2019.
- European Law Institute