Lucia Della Ventura

Fellow 2022/2023

▌▌▌Ph.D. candidate at the Trinity College Dublin.
▌▌▌LL.M from the Trinity College Dublin and an LL.M. from the Federico II University of Naples.

Lucia is a PhD researcher in Decentralised Artificial Intelligence, she is also a qualified lawyer, legal consultant, AML compliance manager. Since 2020 Lucia is member of Technologies, Law and Society Group at Trinity College Dublin.

Her research focuses on decentralised AI systems and their regulation. She is specialised in IT/IP Law and Fintech. Lucia is also the founder of NeWorth research group within which she helps IT Startups to develop their IT/IP legal compliance. 

She holds an LL.M in IT/IP Law from Trinity College Dublin with a dissertation about Artificial Intelligence legal personality. She also holds an LL.M. in EU Competition Law and Protection of Rights from Federico II University of Naples with a thesis in Intellectual Property infringement and EU Antitrust regulation: ‘Antitrust 2.0’.


  • Trinity College Dublin