Consult PhD Theses

The Thesis Archive stores all the doctoral theses defended at the University of Milan starting from academic year 1997/98.

Up to 31 December 2010 the theses are stored in analogue format (printed or microfiche); from 1 January 2011 are stored in digital format only.

Consultation methods vary according to the storage format.

Theses in analogue format
They are included in the University Catalogue.
Theses can be consulted by appointment only in the Thesis Archive, located in the University Library Service Management Office. For information email to
Because not all theses can be consulted, you should carefully note the following indications in the description of each thesis:

  • authorization: yes (‘Autorizzazione: sì’): the thesis can be consulted freely;
  • document can be consulted after authorization (‘Documento consultabile previa autorizzazione’) or no indication: the author left no instructions regarding the consultation of his/her thesis and the Thesis Archive will contact him/her;
  • document cannot be consulted (‘Documento non consultabile’): the thesis cannot be consulted.

Home lending not permitted and the work must not be reproduced in any way whatsoever.

Theses in digital format
The catalogue can be accessed through AIR Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca, the institutional repository of the University, and contains, besides the catalogue record details, also the full text version of the thesis.
Therefore consultation is online through AIR.
Because not all theses can be consulted, you should carefully note the symbol next to the link to the full text of each thesis (attached files):

clip green Clip with green sticker (Open): the thesis can be consulted freely;
clip red Clip with red sticker (Reserved): the thesis cannot be consulted;
clip yellow Clip with yellow sticker (Restricted or Embargoed): consultation of the thesis may be restricted or embargoed – view the record details to check its actual availability.