Call for papers – Conference
Organise by Kim Barker, ISLC fellow, Open University.
6-9 September 2022 (Horwood House, Milton Keynes)
The Open University, ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council, Observaw, with support of ISLC – Information Society Law Center –Università degli Studi di Milano.
Digital and online aspects of violence, are rarely captured, despite the well-understood rise in the uses of, and reliance upon, online technology in everyday life (including both private and professional life).
Please send abstracts of up to 450 words (including 5 key words) by 12th June 2022 to Dr Kim Barker ( and Dr Olga Jurasz ( We aim to communicate decisions by 20th June 2022.
As such, there exist gaps in the current knowledge and understanding of the extent of digital and online violence, and its effects– including, albeit not limited to the type of harms suffered by those subjected to it. It is increasingly recognised that particular groups are specifically targeted by digital and online violence, which is further amplified by intersectional characteristics.
A number of countries tentatively embarked upon discussion on how to address the multifaceted challenges arising from the emergence of digital and online violence. Despite these efforts, significant challenges continue to be posed for law reform, law enforcement, and regulation of digital and online violence. From discussions of e-safety to digital safety to online harms to network enforcement, a plethora of approaches have been mooted, some contentious, and all posing (mostly) unanswered questions.
This conference aims to bring together interdisciplinary and international speakers to facilitate open exchanges about the experiences of, trends in and approaches towards digital and online violence. In particular, it is designed to provide a space for explorations of:
- Conceptions of digital and online violence
- Emerging forms of digital and online violence
- Regional approaches to tackling digital and online violence
- Intersectional experiences of digital and online violence
- Online gender-based hate speech
- Online harassment
- Cyberstalking.
This is a two-day event, with a dedicated half-day session for PhD students and early career researchers.
We welcome papers from academics as well as practitioners and civil society colleagues. There is limited support available to contribute towards travel and/or accommodation costs for accepted PhD students and early career researchers. If you would like to be considered for a travel bursary, please indicate so when submitting an abstract.
Please send abstracts of up to 450 words (including 5 key words) by 12th June 2022 to Dr Kim Barker ( and Dr Olga Jurasz ( We aim to communicate decisions by 20th June 2022.