Kim Barker

Fellow 2022/2023, Fellow 2023/2025

▌▌▌Senior Lecturer at the Open University Law School
▌▌▌PhD from the Aberystwyth University.

Dr Kim Barker is a Senior Lecturer in law at the Open University Law School, specialising in internet law including online violence against women, online misogyny, online hate speech, regulation of online content (especially via social media platforms and online games), and intellectual property law (copyright, and digital content).

She holds a PhD in Intellectual Property Law, Internet Regulation and Contract Law from Aberystwyth University. 

Dr Barker’s research interests focus on regulation of online multi-user environments, particularly social media and online games.

Her areas of expertise include social media regulation, online harms & online safety, online abuse, particularly online misogyny and online violence against women, online violence, online hate speech, intellectual property law (copyright, digital copyright & online content creation), and aspects of online contractual regulation.

Kim’s interests lie in control of content and regulation of multi-user online environments including online gaming, and social media in particular.

  • Open University Law School