Nynke Elske Vellinga

Fellow 2022/2023, Fellow 2023/2025

▌▌▌Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Groningen.
▌▌▌PhD from the University of Groningen.

Nynke Vellinga is a postdoctoral researcher at the Security, Technology & e-Privacy (STeP) research group of the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Currently, Nynke is a member of the ITU focus group on AI for autonomous and assisted driving.

Back in 2020, Nynke successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled ‘Legal Aspects of Automated Driving. On Drivers, Producers, and Public Authorities’, at the same university. Her PhD research concerned several legal challenges arising from automated driving, covering topics such as (international) traffic laws and product liability. Nynke has published a number of articles in leading journals on law and technology. In addition, she has co-authored a report on the legislative changes necessary for automated vehicles to be tested on public roads, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (2015).

Currently, the legal framework for cybersecurity in automated vehicles (as part of the Cybersecurity Noord-Nederland project) is one of Nynke’s main research focuses.

  • University of Groningen