Lachlan D. Urquhart

Fellow 2022/2023

▌▌▌Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh.
▌▌▌Visiting Researcher and Founding Member of Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute at University of Nottingham.
▌▌▌Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute.
▌▌▌PhD from the University of Nottingham.
▌▌▌LL.M from the University of Strathclyde.
▌▌▌LL. B from the University of Edinburgh.

Dr Lachlan D. Urquhart is a Senior Lecturer (~Associate Professor) in Technology Law at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh; a Visiting Researcher and Founding Member of Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham; a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute.

He was a visiting scientist at Fraunhofer AICOS, Porto, and a visiting researcher at Meiji University, Tokyo. At Edinburgh, he is also a core member of the Centre for Data, Culture and Society; a member of Design Informatics; and a research associate at the Edinburgh Futures Institute.

Dr. Urquhart has a multidisciplinary background in computer science (PhD) and law (LL.B; LL.M).

His main research interests are in human computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, data protection and cybersecurity. He has been a lead and co-investigator on projects totalling over £6m from EPSRC, ESRC, AHRC, Universitas 21, Impact Accelerator Funds, and Research Priority Funds. He has published widely in leading venues in HCI (e.g. TOCHI, ACM Ubicomp, DIS, Personal & Ubiquitous Computing), law (e.g. International Data Privacy Law, International Journal of Law & Technology, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology) and ethics (e.g. Journal of Responsible Innovation, Philosophy & Technology, ACM Computers & Society).

  • University of Edinburgh